Welcome to the DominiXus website
„There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.” – Sam Wolton
The mission of DominiXus is making a businessman’s life simpler, in such way that he may find time for developing his company – making it more efficient by professional advisorship and accountant and employment outsourcing. We want to face the expectations and demands of our clients by providing them with the highest quality services. Our main feature is thorough and professional care for every client which is based on a mutual trust. The clients are partners in business, because partnership is loyalty, trust and full cooperation. DominiXus company guarantees keeping full confidentiality of information – during the cooperation period and after it. Individual approach lets us focus on realizing the needs and expectations and achieving the goal of each and every one of our clients.